Activity 9: It's the Law

 Topic related: Vocabulary of nouns

Who is it best to: Teenagers

Explanation and objectives: 

The object of the game is for students to guess the missing words in a sentence. The sentence is a weird and outdated law that is still on the books somewhere in the world.


  • Make a list of 15 to 20 weird current laws. (You can find a number of these by searching "weird laws in ____".
  • Prepare a handout with the laws but with one kew word (a noun) missing from each. (e.g: In Hawaii, you are not allowed to put ____ in someone else's ear".
  • Include a list of the missing words (in a random order) on the top of the handout.


  1. Divide the classroom into groups of 3 or 4 learners. 
  2. Give a handout to each groups, and tell the students they need to decide as a group what the missing word is.
  3. They must explain to their partners why they chose a particular word, and then everyone in the group must all agree before proceding. 
  4. At the end of the activity, you can award points for correct answers. 
