Activity 8: Just one of the actors

Topic related: Sitcoms

Who is it best for: Teenagers

Explanation and objectives:

In this activity, students aim to practice the speed and timing of native speakers by speaking the lines from a short scene of a TV program along with the video.


  • A short videoclip from a TV sitcom (e.g: Friends, Seinfeld). It should be a short scene with just two people speaking.
  • A transcript of about 10 to 16 lines of the chosen scene and clip.


  1. Give out a copy of the script (easily found online).
  2. Watch the scene once or twice, then read through the scene with the class.
  3. Go over any reductions or linking sounds with the group.
  4. Have the students work in pairs to practice role-playing the scene.
  5. When learners are ready, they can come up to the frontof the classand take turns speaking the linesof the second person in the scene along with the videoclip. 
