Activity 7: Fruits cocktail

Related topic: Speaking practice; talking about likes/dislikes and introducing oneself.

Who it is best for: Adolescents, but the activity can be adapted for all ages.

Explanation and objectives: 

This activity works as an icebreaker for newly formed groups. The purpose is to encourage students to introuduce themselves to other leaners while also talking about their likes and dislikes in the target language.


  • Whiteboard
  • Pieces of paper with the names of 10+ fruits (Two sets of the same fruits; one for each group)
How to do the activity:
  • Students group up in the center of the classroom.
  • The teacher separates the students into two groups.
  • Each student is going to receive a piece of paper with the name of a fruit.
  • The teacher writes on the board questions about likes and dislikes such as: what things do you hate doing?, what is your favourite song?, what is your favourite dish/food?
  • Once everyone has a name of a fruit, they have to find someone else who has the same fruit and introduce themselves while asking each other the questions on the board.
  • After one or two minutes, the teacher has to say "fruits cocktail" and all students have to form two completely different groups, then, the game starts over.
  • Play as many rounds as you can to helps students getting to know each other.
