Activity 5: Let's start a restaurant!

Related topic: Speaking practice by creating a fictional restaurant.

Who it is best for: Adolescents.

Explanation and objectives: 

The purpose of this activity is to exploit the learners' creativity and develop their productive skills by making them create their own restaurant and presenting it in the classroom.


  • Poster paper
  • Markers
How to do the activity:
  • The teacher shows students an image of a restaurant of his/her choice and talks about the food, the restaurant logo, and a special trait of the establishment.
  • Students work in pairs, each pair is given a poster paper and color markers.
  • Using the materials given, the learners will create an imaginary restaurant, along with its logo, the kind of food served, and a special characteristic.
  • Once the posters are finished, each pair presents their restaurant to the rest of the group.
