Activity 3: Roleplay—Travels and trips

Related topic: Vocabulary and language chunks related to travels and trips.

Who it is best for: Adolescents.

Explanation and objectives: 

The purpose of this activity is to encourage the learners to talk about touristic destinations and make recommendations of places to visit.


  • Strips of paper with an image of a destination and its features, for example:

How to do the activity:
  • The students work in pairs.
  • The teacher gives a strip of paper to each student.
  • The learners have to take turns to roleplay as travel consultants and tourists.
  • Travel consultants have to try to convince tourists of visiting the place they got in the card.
  • Tourists have to ask questions about the place which is being recommended to them.
  • By the end of the activity, the teacher asks students if they were convinced by their partners to visit a place and why.
Some questions related to the contents of the strips of paper that the students might ask could be: 
  • Where is the place?
  • Is it a good spot for photography?
  • Is it expensive?
  • What landmarks can be found in the place?
