Topic related: Vocabulary (adjectives and nouns), grammar
Who is it best for: Teenagers
Explanation and objectives:
The object of the game is to come up with the most creative combination of an adjective and a noun. Some examples are "green egg", flat cat" and "delicious cat".
Prepare two sets of cards.
- The first set has a different adjective written on each card with blue ink. The adjectives should be descriptive, such as hard, soft, pretty, dry, wet, and so on. You will need a set of 20 of these adjective cards for each group of students.
- The second set has a different noun written on each card with green ink. The nouns should be things, animals, food, and so on. You will need a set of at least five noun cards for each group.
- Dive the class into groups of three or four students.
- Give each group of students a set of adjective cards and a set of noun cards, and elect one person in each group to be the dealer.
- The dealer hands out five adjectives to each group member. Then the dealer turns over one noun card and shows it to the group.
- The students in the groups must select onde adjective card from the five in their hand to pair with the noun.
- The students then need to use their adjective-noun combination in a sentence. For example: if the noun is car, and a student chooses the adjective delicious, he or she might say, "We made a cake in the shape of a car. It was the most delicious car in the world."
- The student with the most creative combination as decided by the players wins that round and takes the adjective and noun cards.
- Play continues as the next noun card is overturned. The student with the most pairs of cards at the end wins the game.
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