Activity 13: Conditional heads and tails

 Topic related: Conditionals

Who is it best for: Teenagers

Explanation and objectives:

The object of the game is to provide a statement that connects to the previous player while using a conditional sentence. The game works best with the second conditional, but the first and third conditionals can be effective as well, depending on the level of your students. 




  1. This explanation presents the game as a whole class activity, but you can divide the class in half if you have a large class.
  2. Before you begin, decid which conditional grammar you want to practice.
  3. Here is an example using the second conditional:
    • Write the half of an if clausesentence on the board, such as "If I were an animal..."
    • The first student completes the sentence life this: "If i were an animal, I would be an elefant."
    • The next student continues by using the second clause of the sentence as his or her opening if clause: "If I were an elephant, I would eat peanuts."
    • The third student continues in a similar way: "If I ate peanuts, I would get fat."
    • The fourth student also continues in the same format: "If I got fat, I would buy a lot of new clothes."
  4. Play is finally over when a student can't produce a new sentence. 
Make sure the students follow the pattern as described above. 
Note that the story line itself can change, but the pattern has to stay the same.
For higher-level students, you might require them to keep the story line restricted to the original subject.
