Activity 11: Back to the future

 Topic related: Verb tenses (The future)

Who is it best for: Teenagers

Explanation and objectives:

The object of the game is to rewrite a story from past to future tense. In doing so, students will need to get a little creative regarding which future tense they choose, along with which related vocabulary. 


  • Enough handouts with some short stories (e.g: fairy tales or children stories). Ideally, each group should get a different story.


  1. Write a few sentences about what you did last weekend. For example, "I woke up late. After breakfast, I went to the mall since I wanted to buy new shoes".
  2. Elicit from the class the future version of your sentences. You'll get something like this: "I am going to wake up late. After eating breakfast, I will go to the mall since I want to buy new shoes."
  3. Once the students get the idea, divide the group into groups of 2 or 3 learners.
  4. Hand out the stories and tell them they will have 10 to 15 minutes to change the story from past to futue. 
