Activity 10: Private party

Topic related: Vocabulary

Who is it best for: Teenagers.

Explanation and objectives:

In this game, student must work out the teacher's secret code by listening carefully to the questions and answers of other students. 




  1. Say to the students: "I'm having a private party. If you bring the right thing, you can come to the party".
  2. However, you have a secret code. Learners may come only if their answer follows the code. This code might be words beginning with a vowel, words with a single syllable, or vocabulary within a particular vocabulary (e.g: fruit or drinks).
  3. If the student says a word which applies to the code, your answer will be "You can come to the party". But if it does not meet the code, you will say "Sprry, you can't come".
  4. Play continues untill all students have broken the code and can come to the party. 
