Activity 1: Gossip Mail

Related topic: Reviewing vocabulary related to films, or any topic that the teacher chooses to develop.

Who it is best for: Adolescents, but the topic has influence in the appropriacy of the activity ranging from young learners to adults.

Explanation and objectives: 

The purpose of this activity is to encourage the learners to practice vocabulary related to the desired topic; it also works as a very engaging warm-up activity to keep the students focused on producing with a touch of active learning.


  • Cardboard box (For the mailbox)
  • Pieces of paper—"letters"—with questions about the topic at hand.
  • Speaker and a fun tune to play.
How to do the activity:
  • (Previous to the class) Fill in the box with the pieces of paper containing the questions about the topic.
  • Tell the students to arrange into a circle, they can be sitting or standing.
  • Give the box to one of the students.
  • Start playing the music; students will have to pass the box along while the music is playing.
  • Wait for a couple of second and then stop the music.
  • The student who ends up holding the box has to take a "letter" and answer the question in it.
  • Do as many rounds as you like or until all letters are taken.
