Activity 1: Vocabulary Race

  • Why use it: Revising vocabulary.
  • Who it's best for: Children but it can be adapted for all ages.

Explanation and objectives:

The point of this activity is to review prevouis vocabulary. They will choose among a varity of topics and to compite to get points accordong to how many words with their definitions they remember.


  • Paper sheets with different topics.
  • Cards with words.

How to play:

  • Split the class into two teams. If you have a large class, consider to split them into 3 or 4 teams.
  • Choose 1 student from each team to pick a paper from your hand. This paper will determine the topics.
  • The teacher grabs some cards with the words according to the chosen topics.
  • The teams form lines in front of the board.
  • The teacher puts the topics on the board and draws a line between them.
  • Then the teacher selects the first students of the front of the line to pick a card.
  • The student should put the cards in the correct zone or part of the topic.
