Activity 4: Describing my regional food part 1

  • Why use it? Vocabulary about food (Ingredients).
  • Who it's best for: Children.

Explanation and objectives:

The point of this activity is to allow student to use guess the ingredients of the famous regional food.


  • PPT


  • Make a power point presentation (you can use other forms of presentations) where you put images of famous local food. For example: Frijol con puerco (Beans and pork), Queso relleno (Stuffed cheese), Cochinita Pibil, etc.
  • Ask students to name the food they see. Allowing them to use spanish but give them the name in English if the dish has an equivalent.
  • Ask them if they know the ingredients of the food.
  • Use a slide to put the correct answers.
  • Reapeat the words they say. If they dont know the answer, say it out loud and make them repeat it.
